Monday 20 July 2009

Don't you just hate it when.....

You buy something new, that you look fabulous in and then see someone else wearing it? Well I bought myself a lovely top, fits beautifully and shows my magnificent chest off perfectly, only to find Mrs Massood on Eastenders has the same top. The only difference is that the wardrobe department seem to have added a little patch in to hers to prevent her showing too much cleavage!

I've posted a shot for you at the top so you can see for yourselves ;-)
So, what have I been up to since my last blog?
I've had a few VERY lovely appointments and am looking forward to wednesday when a certain lovely guy is coming to visit. I've been baking delicious scones and having then with fresh strawberries and cornish clotted cream Mmmmm.
On Saturday I went out for a meal and ended up a little tipsy and very Horny so had a fantastic session, some role play and spanking! How naughty!
Time for bed now as I have a nail appointment in the morning. Night Night X

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